Pre-coaching Questionnaire

I’m SO excited that we’re going to be working together! Please fill out this form at least 2 business days before our first call.

Real quick before you get started:

In this form I’m going to ask you a few questions to get a sense of what your fueling looks like. I like to paint the picture of what balance looks like and what your needs are so that you can plug that destination into your GPS, not so you can try to get there overnight. Also, intuitive eating is the best way to naturally find balance and as you heal your relationship with food you can be strategic (e.g try to get in enough fruit) without rules or restriction or disordered motives.

Some questions will include anthropometrics so I can calculate targets like your protein needs. Rest assured that whenever I talk about targets they are alway at least numbers, not maxes that you should stay under. If you'd rather avoid any kind of targets right now just list N/A.