Get ready to fuel without dieting + enjoy all food with zero guilt

Learn how to leverage nutrition to support your climbing while healing your relationship with food.

Rock climber woman smiling while eating outside

Can you imagine…

  • Knowing exactly how to fuel for climbing and training and seeing progress

  • Healing your relationship with food and being able to fuel intentionally AND eat the food you love

  • Having more confidence at the crag and in the gym

  • Having a more positive relationship with yourself and your body

  • Having more energy, zero guilt and stress about food, and generally feeling awesome

Female rock climbing climbing outside

This is the kind of transformation that happens with every single climber that I coach.

Including Alex right here:

“I literally had no idea what I was doing until I did coaching. Chiara gave me the information I needed to reach my goals and end the confusion I got from hearing so many mixed things about nutrition. I finally learned when to eat which foods to increase performance, and upped my climbing grade.”

Nutrition 1:1 nutrition coaching program components including video calls, handouts, and recipes

1:1 Nutrition Coaching

My signature 3-month coaching program with the most value, support, and the highest investment from me as your coach.

Climbers’ stories

How coaching works

Woman in mustard sweater typing on laptop

1. Discovery call

These calls are very relaxed and just an opportunity for us to get to explore working together. I'll get a sense of your goals, challenges, and your relationship with food, and answer any questions you have so you can decide if we feel like a good fit.

Registered dietitian Chiara Jorritsma working in her office

2. Coaching calls

You can expect to leave these calls feeling STOKED with a clear sense of your goals for the next couple weeks. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about fueling for climbing and making peace with food and help you figure out how to apply what you learn in a way that’s impactful and sustainable.

Laptop on table with an iPhone, succulent, and cup of coffee

3. Check ins + support

You can expect to leave these calls feeling STOKED with a clear sense of your goals for the next couple weeks. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about fueling for climbing and making peace with food and help you figure out how to apply what you learn in a way that’s impactful and sustainable.

Climbing dietitian Chiara Jorritsma in her kitchen smiling and  holding a mug

Hey there!

I’m Chiara Jorritsma MS, RDN, CDN.

I’m a registered dietitian, climber, and your resource for all things fueling for climbing and making peace with food.

And I know what it’s like to have a negative relationship keep you from fueling for climbing (and living your best life).

After suffering from an eating disorder for a long and miserable decade, I stumbled across intuitive eating and started my own journey of making peace with food.

Having a positive relationship with food has changed EVERYTHING and I’ve watched the same transformation happen for dozens upon dozens of climbers through 1:1 coaching over the past several years.

I created this program to teach you how to make peace with food and fuel for climbing, and give you the support and accountability you need to actually apply what you learn in a way that is practical and sustainable.

Because you deserve to be free from a negative relationship with food and free to fuel the way your body needs you to so you can climb your hardest and live your best life.

Dietitian for climbers, Chiara Jorritsma, on a video call

My ultimate goal? For you to not need me anymore.

What’s that saying about giving someone a fish vs teaching them to fish for themselves?

Instead of just telling you what and when and how much to eat I’ll give you all the knowledge, tools, and skills to navigate any fueling situation you find yourself in.

I’ll also teach you how to apply what you learn in a way that’s realistic, impactful, and sustainable so that even years (and decades) from now you’re growth is exponential and you’re still benefiting from the shifts you made.

The journey won’t be over after just 3 months but you’ll have everything you need to continue on your own!

What we cover in the program

Woman eating sandwich
  • Nutrition is important, but a positive relationship with food is absolutely essential to actually being able to fuel for climbing. Worrying about counting calories or macros, being afraid of eating certain foods (like the simple carbs that are ideal for pre-and mid-climb fueling), and being disconnected from hunger/fullness cues will only keep you from reaching your full potential as a climber (not to mention take up so much brain space). I’ll help you understand where you are with your relationship with food and how to start moving forward.

    Body image is almost always interconnected with your relationship with food. And it turns out body image is actually not about your body and ou can have the best body image of your life in your current body! I’ll help you identify, understand, and change the narrative and learn body acceptance and respect.

Pizza on a wooden cutting board
  • It’s no secret that strategic nutrition has a huge impact on your performance. We’ll cover the ins and outs of fueling for climbing including how to understand what your body needs and why, balance your meals without restriction, fuel pre, mid, and post-workout so you can feel fabulous and climb your hardest, and so much more!

A notebook with a cup of coffee and pair of glasses
  • Even with all of the information you need, actually applying it to your life in a way that’s impactful and sustainable is the real trick. I’ll help you brainstorm action steps, anticipate and work through barriers, and ultimately create laser-focused goals. At each follow-up session we’ll see what’s working well, what needs some tweaking, and add new goals as you feel ready. Even after you complete the program, knowing how to translate information into powerful action will help you continue transforming on your own with exponential progress!

1:1 nutrition coaching program support

Here’s what you get

  • A 60-minute deep dive into all things life, fueling, and food relationship. You’ll leave this call feeling pumped with clear action items to start tackling.

  • 45-minute calls to check in, celebrate wins, problem-solve challenges, address questions, unpack new content, and add new action items as you feel ready.

  • A mini version of coaching calls to reflect on the past couple weeks and tweak goals as needed.

  • I get just how hard it is to do this work alone which is why you have the full support of myself as your coach. I am here to brainstorm with you, to answer your questions, give you feedback, cheer you on, celebrate your wins, and support you. I will be your shoulder to lean on and someone you can talk through things with!

  • These are super helpful to refer to between calls and especially after coaching when you need a quick refresher! They cover numerous topics from hydration and meal planning to eating intuitively and setting powerful goals.

  • You can book an additional calls for $100 ($225 value) and save 55%.



Choose the sliding scale option that’s best for you:

You get the full program + the same support from me regardless of which tier you choose!

*Tier 1 (50% full price): $600

*Tier 2 (75% full price): $900

Tier 3 (full price): $1200

Tier 4 (pay it forward): $1500

There are also extended payment plans available up to 12 months.

*These are intended for folks who wouldn’t be able to otherwise afford coaching.

Already on my email list? Get $50 off!

Woman rock climbing at indoor climbing gym

This is for you if…

  • You want to fuel with intention but without all the diet culture rules and restriction

  • You're ready to finally break free from a negative relationship with food

  • You’re not actively pursuing weight loss (it’s 100% valid to still want to lose weight)

  • You're excited for change and committed to playing the long game, not looking for a quick fix

Dietitian Chiara Jorritsma on her phone

Not quite sure? That’s what discovery calls are for!

If you’re not sure if this is the right program for you, don’t sweat it! Once you apply, I’ll reach out to set up a discovery call. These calls are 100% pitch-free and a zero-pressure way for us to get to know each other, for me to get a better sense of your goals and challenges, for you to ask any and all of your questions, and ultimately for us to see if we’re a good fit and want to work together.

What climbers are saying:

  • Yes! I offer an extended payment plan up to 12 months and you can choose however many payments works for you.

  • This varies based on my client load but often within a week or two!

    You also don't have to start coaching right away if you want to save your spot (and secure a discount if/when one is available) and start later.

  • While it can vary based on what the individual climber needs, often we’ll cover: balancing your meals without restriction, how to fuel pre, mid, and post-workout, how to make changes that actually end up sticking, goal setting, etc., eating intuitively, unlearning diet culture, ending the restrict-binge cycle, and improving body image.

    One of the huge benefits of 1:1 coaching is we can tailor the content specifically to YOUR interests and needs.

  • The hardest part of making peace with food is pushing through the reverse honeymoon phase in the very beginning. There are a lot of reasons why we don’t push through and it’s hard for me to say without getting to know you more, but every single one of the climbers I’ve worked with have made it past this! It’s just a matter of knowing what steps to take and having the support to take them. That being said, having a therapist is ideal, but I get that therapy is not accessible for everyone.

    If you were going to only work with a therapist ideally they’d be equipped for disordered eating and eating disorders. Otherwise there’s a risk of them unintentionally projecting their own unresolved issues with food and body image.

  • The program is 3 months long and the biggest time investment is for the coaching and check in calls (60-75 minutes/month).

    Outside of the calls it’s implementing the action steps we chose and if we did a good job with those, they should feel super realistic and exciting vs like homework!

  • Short answer: possibly, but it’s complicated.

    Longer answer: It’s 100% totally normal and valid to want to lose weight, especially as a woman and a climber. But to be truly successful, the best approach is to put intentional weight loss on the back burner and focus on your relationship with food and your body.

    A desire for weight loss leads to restriction and restriction always leads to losing control and eating more than you want to. To find balance you need to stop restricting, and to stop restricting you need to stop focusing on intentional weight loss.

    I align with a weight-inclusive, non-diet approach (and intuitive eating works because it’s not a diet). When you eat intuitively, you’ll find your natural set point, but it might be above what you were hoping for. That’s where body acceptance comes in. Because body image is about your MIND (not your body), you can have a positive body image in your here-and-now body.

  • Knowledge does not automatically translate into action and results! You can read an amazing book and have it not change your life one bit. The support from coaching helps you to start taking action, even when it’s scary and uncomfortable, so that you can experience that transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This program is for climbers who are looking to dial in their fueling, develop a more positive relationship with food, and/or improve their body image.

  • Heck no! Most of my clients are sure they want to work with me before we even hop on a call but there is zero pressure to decide on the spot.

    Even if we decide we aren’t a good fit or this isn’t the right time, talking about your challenges/goals can provide a lot of clarity that can help you start moving forward!

  • These vary climber to climber but it's typical to finish coaching with:

    • A MUCH more positive relationship with food

    • Being better able to honor your hunger and eat intuitively with less bingeing, restriction, negative thoughts/food rules, and guilt

    • Improved body image

    • More acceptance and confidence and less comparison

    • More energy

    • Greater overall confidence

    • Better climbing performance

  • Please don’t! There is no level of climbing where fueling suddenly becomes more important. Getting everything dialed in now makes for the best foundation to build on.

    You also cannot be strategic about fueling without healing your relationship with food and every climber on the planet deserves to find that freedom, no matter how hard they climb.

    You’ll learn how to do all of that in this program!

  • First, you’re in good company, friend. Most climbers I work with struggle with disordered eating and personally, I suffered with bulimia for a decade.

    Second, ideally you’d have received or would be receiving some form of treatment (e.g therapy with an eating disorder specialist) before coaching. Depending on the severity and how far you are into your healing journey, this could very well be exactly what you need! But it won’t offer enough support to some climbers.

    Let’s chat on a discovery call and if I’m not a good fit I can hopefully point you in the right direction!

  • This program is geared towards fueling for climbing but the general principles are similar. The content and examples will be climbing-based but there’s no reason you can’t apply it to another sport.

  • This program is highly individualized so we’ll focus on whatever YOUR biggest challenges are. I’ve coached plenty of climbers who only wanted support with fueling. And some who only needed help with body image. We can go in whatever direction is most helpful for you!

Nutrition coaching program for climbers